Types of Academic Referencing Styles

Academic writing is the skill that every student cant master. There are many steps you have to take while writing your assignment. One of those steps is referencing. Referencing is something that is being given much importance by the academic institutions around the world because it is an easy way to prove that your homework is authentic.


So, it is a must for you to have the knowledge of referencing if you want to write your coursework successfully. Thus, as a homework help provider, we aim to help you not only in writing your homework but also in learnings its craft. In this article, we will try to do the same by giving you an idea of the types of academic referencing styles.


You might be curious to know the full form of APA. It is the abbreviation of American psychological association. As an academic writer, you have to use author-date parenthetical while using APA referencing styles. You should also base in-text citations on Harvard style.

Scholars use APA formatting in the psychology subject most commonly. But it can be used in other disciplines as well.


Modern Language Association of America is the full-form of MLA. MLA writing style is oftenly used in the literature and linguistics. While using MLA formatting, you are asked to use brief parenthetical in-text citations. It is linked to an alphabetized list that is supposed to be at the end of the paper.

In the MLA writing style, there are two publications; MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing is the first of them and other one is MLA handbook for the authors for the purpose of research paper writing.


Harvard is also one of the most used referencing style. The term Harvard style can be used for any formatting style that uses author-date references in the text of order. Harvard style can be at the end of a sentence or within it. As an author you are expected to list all citation details at the end of the paper in the alphabetical order.

Harvard style doesnt have such style guide that can be termed as definite. So, to use it the right way, you have to be consistent throughout the assignment.


Chicago is the style manual that is most accepted among all. It is the style you use to do author-date referencing and footnote referencing.

Chicago’s manual footnote referencing systerm is frequently used in arts and humanities.


Vancouver is the footnoting formatting style that gets used in health sciences sometimes. Although there is no official style guide in the Vancouver referencing like the Harvard style, however, style guide of the US national library of medicine is now the most authoritative manual on this type of referencing.

If you find it tough to add references in your homework, then you can opt for our homework help online and can get a fully referenced homework.